Since the office will be closed on Monday April 6, if you have an absence or need to share any information, please email me at or text my personal cell phone (920-585-2822). I will not have access to the voicemail in the office, and since we don't have a phone in the room, it will also be difficult to answer the school phone.

In the upcoming events section below, I have many dates through April. Though these dates seem far out, the number of things going on at this time of year can sneak up on you so I wanted to make sure you had the dates as far out as possible. I will do my best to keep it updated each week.
This week we talked about spring. Students started the week with following directions on how to make rabbits by taking the correct shape and correct number of that shape and then putting it where the directions said. This worked on their close listening skills and following multi-step directions. The bunnies are in our hall and they look really cute!
egg with rhyming pictures. They then worked on writing the words. Some were able to do this independently, some with tracing, and some needed a great deal of help. Please continue to have your child work on writing at home and writing the letters correctly. An important part of being able to write correctly is holding your writing tool correctly. Please be sure to hold pencils in a 3point grip (as shown).
Writing the letters correctly will help them greatly in kindergarten as they will be more fluent in their writing if it is done correctly. A good rule of thumb: START AT THE TOP AND CIRCLE BACK. Circle back homework came home this week as well; it is essential students circle back rather than forwards for the correct formation of the letter. I can send home the correct formation of the letters to help you work with them (this also came home in Holiday Homework).
Students also took an adorable picture holding their invisible umbrella. We then had them cut out and paint an umbrella and placed it on the photos. They are being blown away and rained on in our hallway! Cutting skills are getting much better! There were curved and straight lines on this project and students did well with both.
Upcoming Events:
- Spring Break runs March 30-April 5.
- Classes Resume Monday April 6. St. Edward school does not resume on Monday like the district. We will be in session, but the only ones in the building. There will be no Extended day with Mrs. Zajicek or After School Care with Mrs. Schmitz offered. Students ALL must be picked up by 11.
- Spring Family Event at HES April 9. Permission slips came home, please do your best to get these in. This is very similar to the 4k family fun night we had in the fall with a variety of fun centers spring based. I send the numbers to the teachers at HES so please send the slips in so I can pass on that number.
- Our school will be going through the Accreditation process April 13-15. There will be additional people in our building observing the classroom/school environment as well as the teachers.
- Final Reading with the Stars will be Monday April 20.
- Graduation Photos April 22 during class time. We have a professional photographer (the same one that did school photos) come and take pictures of your child in Graduation gear (provided by her). You will have the opportunity to purchase these photos like you did the school photos. We will be sending out permission/payment envelopes. Please be sure to turn these in regardless of whether you intend to purchase--we cant take their picture without your permission. We use the photos in the graduation slide show.
- Spring Field Trip April 23. Permission slips will be coming out right after spring break. We will be going to Mosquito Hill in New London to talk about how animals wake up in spring. Students will need to be dressed for the weather and hiking outside. If you are interested in chaperoning and have not done so already please take the VIRTUS class and fill out all the appropriate background checks. These take time so you can start now before the permission slips come out.
- St. Edward Spring Program April 29 (All St. Edward Families) will participate in. It is a Matinee and evening show times. Hortonville families will receive a permissions email (like the Christmas program) closer to the date to watch the matinee performance.
- FINAL BOOK ORDER WILL BE DUE MAY 15. Please click on the link for scholastic at the top of this page. When you buy books for your child, it helps buy books and supplies for our classrooms.
- Dress for the weather. Please send your child dressed for the weather as we go outside as long as it is not raining or below 0*(students are more than welcome to bring layers daily or to leave in their lockers) It may also be time to change out the change of clothes to make sure they are weather appropriate. If you send a new change of clothes, we will send the warm weather clothes in their backpacks.
- Folders. Please be checking your child's daily folder each night. We put notes on the notebook pages in their folders as well as any notes we may have for you. Artwork is also sent home this way. As we start letter of the week, we will also start sending home homework to help reinforce the letter concept and identification. Please work on this with you child to help the students make the connection between home and school.
- Also, Please check the student's Wednesday Folders. Please try to take info out and return the folder and any forms/info/payments in those folders a day or two after receiving.
- Literacy Bags come home every three weeks. Students will have a week to complete the project inside and can then return the bag with completed sheets in it on TUESDAYS.
- Library Books come every week. We go to library on Monday and student have the opportunity to check out a book and keep it for a week. It can be kept in their back packs or at home, but please remember to bring it on Mondays.
Theme: return from break: Insects
Letter of the Week: Yy
Snack: Van Camp (again)