Each week, the top portion will be a summary of the past week and the bottom will be important notes, requests, and info on next week. I am always available by email or note in your student's folder.
This week's theme was all about me. Students worked on finding
their name, working with their name, describing themselves, and talking about what it is like to be a bucket filler in our school. Students are also working on getting to know the school rules, walking in a line, and how to stay in our centers and play for the duration of a play time.
On Wednesday, worked on coloring the crayon with their name on it in completely. This works on endurance in their fine motor skills as well as the concept of filling a shape when coloring. These are proudly displayed on our door. Students also read the bucket filler book. This book talks about how we all have an imaginary bucket. When someone is kind to us it fills our bucket, and when we are kind to others that fills our bucket as well. Students all pledged to be a bucket filler in our classroom. We have a classroom bucket we will work on filling through out the year, and students decorated their own imaginary bucket. Decorating the bucket worked their fine motor skills again with coloring and cutting.
stickers onto their name. This worked their fine motor skills, peeling the stickers, and placing them strategically, as well as helped them with the formation of the letters in their name. They also traced their name and had to cut it out and put it back in order. We are introducing the letters to them that are relevant in their name as well as working on those fine motor skills of writing and cutting. We also talked about one little circle with the glue stick to make the letters stick.
There was no letter of the week this week. We were busy getting into the routine of things this week. We will begin with a letter of the week next week.
Important Notes:
- As a part of our room decorations and to make every one feel at home, we have a "family and friends" board in our room. Students will feel more at home and have a school family if they have their home family with them. (The same as you putting a family picture on your desk). Please feel free to send in a family photo that will be stapled up on our wall for the duration of the school year. Send in those family photos!
- Field Trip is quickly approaching. If you are interested in going on the field trip, you must have all the background checks submitted as soon as possible.
- Folders. Please be checking your child's daily folder each night. We put notes on the notebook pages in their folders as well as any notes we may have for you. Artwork is also sent home this way. As we start letter of the week, we will also start sending home homework to help reinforce the letter concept and identification. Please work on this with you child to help the students make the connection between home and school.
- Also, Please check the student's Wednesday Folders. Please try to take info out and return the folder and any forms/info/payments in those folders a day or two after receiving.
- Literacy Bags come home every three weeks. Students will have a week to complete the project inside and can then return the bag with completed sheets in it on TUESDAYS.
- Library Books come every week. We go to library on Monday and student have the opportunity to check out a book and keep it for a week. It can be kept in their back packs or at home, but please remember to bring it on Mondays.
- Book Order due September 25th. Please click on the link for scholastic at the top of this page. When you buy books for your child, it helps buy books and supplies for our classrooms.
Theme: 5 Senses
Letter of the Week: **CHANGE** We will be starting letters the following week with having to short weeks. We will be doing prewriting skills and our names this week.
AM Snack: Amador
PM Snack : Springstroh
I am loving this blog! Thank you for posting all that our children are doing and the things we need to do as parents.