Friday, September 27, 2013

Apples, Apples, Apples!

We began our two week long unit on apples this week. We started this week with cutting an apple open and using our 5 senses (minus taste because we were touching them and we dont want germs).  We cut out the labels for the apple parts and matched the first sound/letter to the diagram. We even used our science words and said we labeled the parts of a diagram of an apple.  We then labeled our giant diagram.

We also cut an apple up and practiced stamping our number books.  We will finish these up next week!

We have been watching a lot of videos about apples from counting, apple parts, kinds of apples, what you can make with apples and more.
The letter of the week was IiWe learned the sign language for a letter, the literacy link sound symbols, the letter sound, and looking at and writing it in both capital letters and lower case letters.  Click here to view the many ways we learn the letter of the week!  

Each week we watch letter videos from "Have Fun Teaching" and the students are really picking up the names of letters, formations, and the sounds of letters.  Check out these videos with you child!  Click HERE.

The Tuesday project of letter of the week is to decorate a letter with something that starts with the letter. This week we decorated the letter I with Ice frozen liquid watercolor.  On Thursday, our letter of the week project was to read a page from our alphabet book, I is for Icecream.

Please visit the whole website (4k, drop down menu, Gallery) to see your child's first day photo as well as photos from through out the week.  If you would like the first day photo, please email me and I can send you the digital copy.

As mentioned last week, we would like to have a family and friends board in our room.  That way the space is as much of the students' as it is of mine (I have my family photos, they should too!)  Please send a family photo that can stay up in the classroom all year long.  When photos come in, the students will take some time to tell the rest of their class about their family.  Can't wait to see the photos and hear about the families!

Important Notes:
  • Folders. Please be checking your child's daily folder each night.  We put notes on the notebook pages in their folders as well as any notes we may have for you.  Artwork is also sent home this way. As we start letter of the week, we will also start sending home homework to help reinforce the letter concept and identification.  Please work on this with you child to help the students make the connection between home and school. 
  • Also, Please check the student's Wednesday Folders.  Please try to take info out and return the folder and any forms/info/payments in those folders a day or two after receiving. 
  • Dress for the weather.  Please send your child dressed for the weather as we go outside as long as it is not raining or below 0*
  • Book Order due October 25th (paper fliers came out, online available in the scholastic tab of the website:
  • Send in those family photos!
Next Week:
Theme: Apples
Letter of the Week: Cc
Snack: Highfill Family

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